Pipe Parts & Accessories

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CHEECH ASHCATCHER Perfect. Looks great with my straight tube bongs.   Angle 45° Bowl 14mm Colour Black, Green, Light Blue, Pink, Smoke, Teal Joint 14mm, Male
BlackGreenLight BluePinkSmokeTealShow More Colors

Cheech Glass AshCatcher Showerhead Perc (CH-ASH-002)

Cheech Glass AshCatcher Showerhead Perc 14mm 45degree Joint Cheech Ash Catcher 14MM 45 DEGREE Beaker Style. Available in Pink, Blue and Green Angle 45° Bowl 14mm Colour Pink, Blue, Teal...
PinkBlueGreenTealBlackShow More Colors

Cheech Glass 14mm 45° Dots Ash Catcher - 3 Colors Available (CHB-20-1)

Simple Cheech Glass ash catchers with Red or Blue dots at 45° fitting 14mm.   CHB-20-1 CHB-20-2 CHB-20-3 Angle 45° Bowl 14mm Colour Blue, Red, Teal Joint 14mm, Male
RedBlueTealShow More Colors

Cheech Cat Ashcatcher (CHB-034)

CAT ASH CATCHER  14mm Joint at a 45 degree angle