SmokeTime Moncton

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Gear Premium 8.5" Dabmolisher Recycler

The ultimate fusion of style and functionality. The Dabmolisher Recycler features a multi-chambered design that cools down smoke and delivers premium filtration with every hit. Includes a removable quartz tip for...
Purple SlymePink SlymeGreen SlymeBlackShow More Colors

GEAR Premium® 9" Dabmolisher

You've never met a nectar collector like this before! The Dabmolisher from GEAR Premium® reinvents the concept of a traditional concentrate collector with a built-in showerhead perc for improved filtration...
AmberBlueGreenShow More Colors

14mm Male Banger for Dabmolishers

Take your Dabmolisher experience to new highs with these 14mm Male Banger from GEAR Premium®. Each one is made of quartz and fits with the 6.5" Dabmolisher and 9" Dabmolisher.