SmokeTime Moncton

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OG Original 16" Beaker W/ Tree Perc,10MM Thick Base (OG-513)

OG Original 16" Beaker W/ Tree Perc 10MM Thick Base 14mm Bowl Includes Ice Pinch OG-513
BlackLight BlueNew GreenJade BlueShow More Colors

Recycler Ash Catcher With Removable Downstem/Clip

HMP's new ash catcher is a great bong accessory! Designed to be used with water pipes or bongs. It collects the ash and other debris generated during your sesh, ensuring the...

Irie Glass 12" Dodecagon Beaker Tube

12" Dodecagon Beaker Tube This polygonal powerhouse is ready to steal the show. Featuring a unique 12-sided design with a built-in ice catcher and a high-powered matrix perc for filtering...
PinkBlackGreenBlueShow More Colors

14" Bent Neck with Tree Perc

14" Bent Neck with Tree Perc Stemless with single wall martini bowl  
BlackBlueGreenShow More Colors

8" Infyniti Bent Neck Beaker With Leaf - Assorted Colors (GH10)

8" Infyniti Bent Neck Beaker Bong - Assorted Colors  GH10YW GH10GN GH10RD

Irie 11" Dual Chamber Beaker Tube

Standing 11" tall, This fun-loving water pipe includes an ice pinch and a showerhead perc for cooler, more filtered smoke.
BluePeriwinkleJade GreenTealShow More Colors

14" Infyniti Brand Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher

 14" Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher 8 Arm Tree Perc 4" Downstem, with a single wall martini bowl, 
BlueGreenBlackShow More Colors

Infyniti 24" Beaker With Dual Tree Perk - Assorted Colors (WMC2566AS)

24" Water Pipe with two Tree Perc With Ice Catcher 4" Downstem with martini bowl TP-GP-WMC2566AS

Infyniti Brand Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher

 14" Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher 8 Arm Tree Perc 4" Downstem, with a single wall martini bowl, 
BlueGreenBlackShow More Colors

Red Eye Tek 15" Metallic Terminator Finish Twist Straight Tube

Have you ever seen a really tall person with microscopic feet? The answer is no, Mother Nature didn’t let that happen more than once because it was just a big,...
GreenRainbowRedBlueChampagneShow More Colors

14mm 90 Degree Funguy Ash Catcher

Looking for a portab-ello way to add more filtration to your water pipe? The Funguy Ash Catcher includes a built-in mushroom perc to filter out unwanted resin and ash and...
Purple SlymeGreen SlymePeriwinkleJade GreenShow More Colors

Gear Premium 5" Recycling Ash Catcher (G1356)

Add the power of a built-in recycler design to your water pipe with the 5" Recycling Ash Catcher from GEAR Premium®. Each one is made of durable 100% borosilicate glass and includes...

14" Infyniti Brand Water Pipe with Tree Perc

14" Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher 8 Arm Tree Perc 4" Downstem, with a single wall martini bowl, 
BlackGreenBlueShow More Colors

RedEyeTek 14mm Ash Catcher 90 Degree (KAC302)

14mm Metallic Terminator Ash Catcher (90 Degree) Redefine your next high with a Red Eye Tek® Metallic Terminator Finish Hex Tube Ash Catcher. These super-powered ash catchers feature a UFO...
BlueGreenRainbowShow More Colors

Gear Premium Ash Catcher - 14mm 90 degree

Upgrade your water pipe with a new 14mm Ash Catcher from GEAR Premium®! This handy attachment will prevent ash from ending up in your bong and reward you with a...

TITZ Glass 14" Sandblasted Inline

TITZ Glass Inline  Classic TITZ Glass Sandblasting along base 14" Tall 18mm Hand Spun Made By TITZ Glass Made In Canada

14" Water Pipe with Tree perc

14" Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher 8 Arm Tree Perc 4" Downstem, with a single wall martini bowl
BlueGreenBlackShow More Colors

14" Infyniti Brand Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher

 14" Water Pipe with Tree perc and Ice Catcher 4 Arm Tree Perc 4" Downstem, with a single wall martini bowl,  4mm thick
BlueGreenBlackShow More Colors

TITZ Glass 14" Inline Silver Fumed HoneyComb Pattern

TITZ Glass Inline  Classic TITZ Glass Sandblasting along base Silver Fumed Honey Comb Pattern At Ice Pinch Silver Fumed Base Sandblasted Joint Arm Color accent along perc 14" Tall 18mm...