Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer - SmokeTime
Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer - SmokeTime
Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer - SmokeTime
Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer - SmokeTime
Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer - SmokeTime
Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer - SmokeTime

Gpen Roam Concentrate Vaporizer


Introducing the G Pen Roam, an all-in-one portable vaporizer intuitively designed to provide water-filtered concentrate vaporization on-the-go. Featuring a spill-proof, self-contained borosilicate glass hydrotube, a fully Quartz tank, and powerful 1,300mAh lithium-ion battery, the G Pen Roam heats to temperature within seconds of activation to deliver smooth and flavorful draws with ease.

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Introducing the G Pen Roam, an all-in-one portable vaporizer intuitively designed to provide water-filtered concentrate vaporization on-the-go. Featuring a spill-proof, self-contained borosilicate glass hydrotube, a fully Quartz tank, and powerful 1,300mAh lithium-ion battery, the G Pen Roam heats to temperature within seconds of activation to deliver smooth and flavorful draws with ease.